9Marks Journal: How to Build Up Your Church (85-87期:如何建造你的教會:教會成員指南)

A Guidebook for Members

Why is church important? Why should I care about my local church? How can I serve and love church members? This journal answers these questions and more helping you understand the importance of your local church and your role in the body of Christ.

Aside from caring for your family, it might be the most important thing you can do to make a difference in the world around you, to say nothing of doing eternal good in people’s lives.

This 9Marks Journal was written for members. It lays out some of the essential elements of that job—a guidebook for meaningful service in a local church. Read it one article at a time over a month. Ask God how you might better serve your fellow members, your pastors, and your non-Christian neighbors.




