“You” and “Y’all” in the Culture of the New Testament

By Jonathan D. Worthington | 10.07.2024

How exactly should we understand the plural “you” in the NT letters? It’s complicated.

On Re-preaching Sermons (Preachers Talk, Ep. 77)

By D. Helm, J. Meeks, K. Edward Copeland | 10.03.2024

Can a preacher re-preach a sermon? If so, where and when? What might the benefits and pitfalls be of such a practice? Listen in as Dave, Ed, and Jeremy talk it out. 

Recent Multimedia

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A Moderate Argument for Paper Bulletins

By Mike McGregor | 10.03.2024

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1 Kings 15–16: On Entering into a Covenant with Darth Vader and then Re-Canaanizing the Land of Israel (Bible Talk, Ep. 126)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 10.02.2024

At first, 1 Kings 15 looks like a mostly chronologically organized list of mostly bad kings. But there’s more going on. Alex Duke, Jim Hamilton, and Sam Emadi discuss.