Anticipating Your Reward

By Omar Johnson | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

Don’t focus on the rewards that were never promised to you. Focus on the ones that were promised.

Brothers, Train up the Next Generation

By Mike Bullmore | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

Necessary to faithful gospel ministry is an investment in the next generation of gospel ministers.

Pastor, Remember Where Your Identity Is Found Before You Retire

By Phil Newton | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

The habits and patterns of our spiritual focus in the present will prepare us for the day when we’re not front-and-center.

Learn to Rest

By Wes Pastor | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

How can the proverbial old dog learn to rest? The key is in not retreating completely.

Six Lessons I Learned When I Could Not Pastor

By John Erickson | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

Pastoral ministry is not who we are. It is a wonderful role, but whether or not we are pastors, we are his children, and he is our kind Father.

How Should I Serve My Church after I Stop Being Its Senior Pastor?

By Bob Johnson | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

The year 2024 marks my thirty-fifth year as the senior pastor of the same church. After I step away, how should I be involved in my church?

Support the Next Guy

By Doug Van Meter | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

A healthy transition to “the next guy” depends in part on the “old guy.” He can support the incoming pastor or be a stumbling block.

Preparing a Church for Pastoral Transition

By William Spink | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

What a man who pastored the same church for 39 years aimed for and learned as he transitioned.

Plan Your Transition

By Michael Indorf | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

A faithful pastorate should include a plan for how to end and to transition to the next pastor. Yet that plan should connect to and not conflict with the providence of God.

Why Is It Hard for Pastors to Let Go?

By Sandy Willson | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

It is vital that our primary identity is as a child of God, not the leader of a ministry.

How to Decide When It’s Time to Stay or Go

By Phil Newton | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

Leaving a pastoral charge can be hard. Staying can be hard, too. And deciding to stay or go is more complicated the longer one serves.

Persevere in the Highs and Lows

By Clift Barnes | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

Ministry in the middle years offers an opportunity to move forward while looking back at all that God has done.

Raise up Leaders

By John Folmar | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

It’s the Holy Spirit’s job to make overseers. However, he often uses pastors to this end.

Creating Healthy Membership Practices

By Jon Deedrick | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

As a new pastor, there’s a type of triage required of you. Not a triage of what’s urgent (like the triage unit at your local emergency room), but a triage of what’s wise.

Young Pastor, Care for the Older Members of Your Flock

By Dave Kiehn | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

Love senior saints from your heart. They’re a blessing, not a burden.