Aaron Menikoff
On ACME, with Aaron Menikoff, Greg Gilbert, Juan Sanchez, and Sebastian Traeger (Pastors Talk, Ep. 271)
By A. Menikoff, G. Gilbert, J. Leeman, J. Sanchez, S. Traeger | 09.03.2024In this episode of Pastors Talk, Jonathan Leeman interviews Aaron Menikoff, Greg Gilbert, Juan Sanchez, and Sebastian Traeger about a new network of like-minded churches: the ACME Fellowship.
Evangelism Without an Altar Call
By Aaron Menikoff | 9Marks Journal: Evangelism | 01.29.2024With the best of intentions, practitioners of the altar call and spontaneous baptisms have likely given many unsaved persons false confidence they know Jesus.
On Visiting Missionaries Overseas, with Tim Hamer and Aaron Menikoff (Missions Talk, Ep. 28)
By A. Menikoff, J. Mack Stiles, R. Robertson, T. Hamer | 01.18.2024In this episode of Missions Talk, Mack Stiles and Ryan Robertson interview Tim Hamer and Aaron Menikoff on visiting missionaries overseas.
Partnering Together: A Practical Guide
By Aaron Menikoff | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 07.31.2023Churches ought to relate in four specific and interconnected ways.
Book Review: Workers for Your Joy, by David Mathis
Review by Aaron Menikoff | 01.09.2023It’s far too easy to wait for a crisis to pay attention to your pastor. Mathis shows us a better way.
How to Have a Well-Run Elders’ Meeting
By Aaron Menikoff | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Church Administration | 09.30.2022What can we do to make elders’ meetings excellent?
The State of the SBC
By A. Menikoff, D. Akin, J. Leeman, M. Dever, M. Chandler, O. Johnson | 07.12.20229Marks at 9: The State of the SBC. A discussion with Mark Dever, Danny Akin, Matt Chandler, Aaron Menikoff, Jonathan Leeman, and Omar Johnson.
Why the Heavenly Minded Do the Most Earthly Good (with Aaron Menikoff) | Journal Talk
By A. Menikoff, J. Leeman | 01.28.2021Jonathan chats with Aaron Menikoff about his article from the recent Journal on Heaven, in which he argues that the heavenly minded ought to do the most earthly good.
Thank God for the “Pie in the Sky”: Why the Heavenly Minded Do the Most Earthly Good
By Aaron Menikoff | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020The older I get, the more I long for heaven. But this longing isn’t tempting me to curl up on the couch, cover my eyes, and simply wait for this terrible world to go away.
Journal Talk, Episode 2: Why Should Pastors Care about Their Holiness?
By A. Menikoff, J. Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Shepherding: The Work & Character of a Pastor | 08.13.2020In this conversation, Jonathan Leeman chats with Aaron Menikoff about his article, and why pastors of all people must care about their personal holiness.
Book Review: Saturate, by Jeff Vanderstelt
Review by Aaron Menikoff | 07.23.2020The gathered church equips saints to be in the world evangelizing the lost. A scattered church engages unbelievers and points them to the unique beauty of the Christian assembly. Confused roles compromise the church’s ability to fulfill the Great Commission.
Why Should Pastors Care About Their Holiness?
By Aaron Menikoff | 9Marks Journal: Shepherding: The Work & Character of a Pastor | 06.30.2020Brother pastor, do you care about holiness? Please don’t give up caring. Be vigilant. Soldier on against your sin from this day to the day of your death.
Episode 127: On Character Matters (with Aaron Menikoff)
By A. Menikoff, J. Leeman, M. Dever | 05.12.2020More than anything, God expects pastors to be faithful. An overflowing auditorium and an efficient church is no substitute for personal holiness.
How Can We Care for Our Older & At-Risk Members?
By Aaron Menikoff | 05.01.2020This pandemic should not be squandered. While we’re all stuck at home, let’s minister to our homebound members with renewed vigor.
Must You Share the Gospel in Every Sermon? Invitation Without the Altar Call
By Aaron Menikoff | 9Marks Journal: What's Wrong With Gospel-Centered Preaching Today? | 03.31.2020Sometimes the road to Christ is wider, and sometimes it’s narrower. But it’s always there, and the faithful preacher will call believers and unbelievers alike to repentance and faith whenever the Book is opened.