How to Build up Your Church: A Guidebook for Members


Build One Another up When Together


Be Like Batman: Guard the Gospel
by Sam Emadi

Show Up!
by Mike Gilbart-Smith

Contribute to the Needs of the Saints
by Alex Hong

Sing to One Another
by Matt Boswell

Protect Sound Doctrine
by Jaime Owens

Cleanse Out the Old Leaven
by Matthias Lohmann

How can I make the most of the preaching I hear every week?
by 9Marks


Building One Another up When Apart


Be Hospitable
by Doug Van Meter

Disciple Others
by Tony Shepherd

Pray for Other Members
by Ty Gooch

Pursue Wandering Sheep
by Jeff Lacine

Forbear with One Another
by Dan Miller

Work for Unity
by Harry Fujiwara

Speak Only What Is Good to Give Grace
by Josh Manley

Put Others’ Interests Above Your Own
by Brian Vickers

Rejoice with Those Who Rejoice; Weep with Those Who Weep
by Paul Martin

Associate with the Lowly
by Joel Kurz

Enter into the Trials of Fellow Church Members
by Derek Minton


Building up Your Pastors


Invite Your Pastors into Your Life
by Omar Johnson

Encourage Your Pastor
by Chad Van Dixhoorn

Don’t Muzzle the Ox
by Ken Mbugua


Building up by Reaching Out


Maintain a Good Relationship with Christians from Other Churches
by Jonathan Worsley

Be a Good Witness in the Community
by Marwan Aboul-Zelouf

Evangelize the Lost
by Eric Bancroft


Editor’s Note:

For years now, 9Marks has argued that church membership is not just a status, it’s a job. By joining a church, you’re not joining a club, you’re stepping into an office. Jesus has given you work to do, and he’s given you the competence and authority to do it.

Most 9Marks Journals aim at pastors and church leaders. This one was written for members. Its purpose is to lay out some of the essential elements of that job. So we called it a guidebook. Print it out. Read it one article at a time over a month. Ask God how you might better serve your fellow members, your pastors, and your non-Christian neighbors.

Many other things in the news and the culture wars might be grabbing your attention right now. But amidst all that, don’t forget to spend time with your kids, be a good neighbor, work hard for your employer, and—our point here—work to build up your church. Aside from caring for your family, it might be the most important thing you can do to make a difference in the world around you, to say nothing of doing eternal good in people’s lives.

So, church member, here is the job you have to do. We pray it encourages you to grow in love for and service to Christ’s bride.

—Jonathan Leeman

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