Deacons: Understanding the Office
Deacons: Shock-Absorbers and Servants
By Jamie Dunlop | 9Marks Journal: Deacons | 03.31.2010Elders lead ministry, deacons facilitate ministry, the congregation does ministry. That, I believe, is the New Testament model.
The Biblical Qualifications and Responsibilities of Deacons
By Benjamin Merkle | 9Marks Journal: Deacons | 03.31.2010The main difference between an elder and a deacon is a difference of gifts and calling, not character.
Do We Need To Use the Titles “Elder” and “Deacon”?
By Benjamin Merkle | 9Marks Journal: Deacons | 03.31.2010There are no biblical qualifications for trustees, council members, “leadership teams,” or other titles of our devising.
Deacons: Putting It into Practice
The Committee-Free, Task-Specific Deacon
By Matt Schmucker | 9Marks Journal: Deacons | 04.28.2010Let me put this starkly: committees don’t work!
Moving from a Deacon-Led to an Elder-Led Church
By Phil Newton | 9Marks Journal: Deacons | 03.31.2010Rather than a healthy, robust congregationalism, this church practiced congregational micromanagement.
How to Separate Deacon Work from Elder Work
By Matt Schmucker | 9Marks Journal: Deacons | 04.28.2010Whether between the pastors and the congregation or within the church’s leadership, division causes Christ’s church to suffer.
A Deacon on a Deacon’s Reward
By John Ingold | 9Marks Journal: Deacons | 03.31.2010“Blessed to serve” is a phrase that rolls off the tongue readily enough, though often with less consideration than it deserves
Book Reviews
Book Review: The New Testament Deacon: The Church’s Minister of Mercy, by Alexander Strauch
Review by Bobby Jamieson | 9Marks Journal: Deacons | 04.30.2010If you want to understand the Bible’s teaching on deacons, this is a great place to start.
Book Review: Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome, by Kent and Barbara Hughes
Review by Ken Barbic | 9Marks Journal: Deacons | 04.02.2010This book attempts to bring refreshment to the soul of anyone that has been laboring in the desert of ministry drought—and it is exceptionally successful.
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