The Pastor and Pornography

How to Respond When a Servant, an Elder, or the Preacher Struggles with Pornography

By Aaron Menikoff | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.29.2018

How should we respond we a public servant, an elder, or the preacher confesses to looking at pornography?

when your husband looks at porn

When Your Pastor-Husband Looks at Porn

By Carrie Kell | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

The sting of pornography has struck many marriages. The way forward can feel confusing and demoralizing. But there’s hope.

pastors and pornography restore him

Does Pornography Use Disqualify a Pastor?

By Garrett Kell | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

The question I want us to consider is this: how do we discern whether or not a pastor who sins with pornography is disqualified?

restore Christian pornography to church

Can We Restore Pastors After Sexual Sin: A Short Answer

By John Piper | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

Can we restore pastors after sexual sin?

Can We Restore Pastors After Sexual Sin: A Longer Answer

By Jared C. Wilson | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

When a pastor has disqualified himself from his ministry, is he disqualified from ministry altogether? If so, for how long? Forever? Can he ever be restored? If so, how soon?

The Church and Pornography

Corporate Consequences of Unchecked Porn Use

By Jason Seville | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

If porn goes unchecked, the corporate consequences will be pervasive.

fight pornography together as a church body

How Do Church Members Fight Porn Addiction Together?

By Deepak Reju | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

What would it mean to fight pornography together? What would it look like to cultivate a culture where leaders and members help one another?

Discipling a Generation Who Grew Up with Porn

By Allen Duty | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

Unfortunately, many young people don’t remember a time without unlimited access to pornography.

Are There Good and Bad Kinds of Accountability?

By Jaime Owens | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

We need to foster better, more vertical accountability in our churches. How do we do that?

Cultivating a Culture of Transparency in Your Church

By James Choi | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

We should pray that our members would understand the need to make our relationships transparent—to share embarrassing things about ourselves, to speak honestly, and to ask one another careful, loving questions

How to Make Your Church a Safe Space for Confession

By PJ Tibayan | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

Local churches ought to be the “safest space” for Christians to confess sins in general and sins tied to pornography in particular.

Killing an Increasingly Tolerated Sin

By Vergil Brown | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.29.2018

The temptation for the Christian is to redefine sexual purity according to the shifting standards of morality.

Tools for the Pastor

pornography reason church discipline

Does Pornography Use Ever Justify Church Discipline?

By Brad Wheeler | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

At what point, if ever, does a persistent pattern of pornography warrant church discipline?

The Sins Behind the Sin of Pornography

By John Henderson | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

Pornography flourishes under the right conditions—within a broader ecosystem of sins, struggles, and situations. It never operates in isolation.

pastors and pornography ask for help

What to Say When a Church Member Asks for Help

By Clint Darst | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

When a church member first confesses pornography consumption, they’re usually relieved to admit their battle and get help in their fight.

Helping Women Who Struggle with Pornography

By Stephanie Laferriere | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

“Men, what do you view on your screens when no one is watching?” This question will bury some women in shame.

Helping Women Whose Husbands Struggle with Pornography

By Jeremy Yong | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.29.2018

These foundational truths should help us pastors minister to the hurting hearts of sisters whose husbands struggle with pornography

8 Tips for Fighting Pornography

By Paul Jeon | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

We must continue to struggle, for this is why God’s grace has been revealed, that we might be delivered from all lawlessness and pursue upright and holy lives as we await Christ’s return. Our Lord demands nothing less.

counsel couple past sexual sins pornography

How to Counsel Couples Through Past Sexual Sin

By Scott Croft | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

Practically, let’s talk about when and how pastors can guide dating or engaged couples through difficult conversations about past sexual sin.

Is Pornography Use Ever Grounds for Divorce?

By Thomas R. Schreiner | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.29.2018

In Matthew 5:32 and 19:9, Jesus gives grounds for divorce based on sexual immorality (porneia). Does pornography use qualify?

Book Reviews

Book Review: Captured by a Better Vision: Living Porn Free, by Tim Chester

Review by Dave Gobbett | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

In this wide-ranging, honest, and profoundly gospel-centred book, Chester demonstrates that the contemporary pornography pandemic which is crippling lives and ministries is fundamentally a problem of idolatry.

Book Review: A Better Story: God, Sex and Human Flourishing, by Glynn Harrison

Review by Dave Gobbett | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

A Better Story is a thoughtful, faithful and persuasive proposal for how to respond—or at least begin to respond—to the sexual revolution.

Book Review: Diehard Sins, by Rush Witt

Review by Josh Vincent | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

As a pastor and a professionally trained biblical counselor, Witt brings his experiences to bear on this book, making it useful for both pastors and professional counselors.

Book Review: The Game Plan, by Joe Dallas

Review by Nate Keeler | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

Overall, I would strongly recommend The Game Plan as a tool for discipling men through habitual sexual sin, especially pornography.

Book(s) Review: Hide or Seek, by John Freeman; Sexual Sanity For Men, by David White

Review by Raymond Johnson | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

Sexual wholeness is vital to healing, and these resources will help pastors better structure small groups in ways that facilitate a more open and safe place for people to come and share their experiences and struggles.

Book Review: Wired for Intimacy, by William Struthers

Review by Deepak Reju | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

Those who want to understand the biology that contributes to porn addiction will be well served by Struthers’ book.

Book Review: Sexual Detox, by Tim Challies

Review by Justin Perry | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

Sexual Detox is a wonderful book, and it is atop my recommended reads for those who struggle with pornography.

Book Review: Finally Free, by Heath Lambert

By Nick Dorsey | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

The best commendation I can give for this book is that I regularly give it away to my church members and use it in discipleship groups and in counseling.

The Pastor and Pornography podcast

Episode 64: On Equipping the Church to Fight Pornography Together (with Deepak Reju)

By D. Reju, J. Leeman, M. Dever | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 11.13.2018

It’s vital for individual Christians to pursue holiness. But how can church members work *together* in fighting against the sin of pornography?

The Pastor and Pornography podcast

Episode 63: On The Pastor and Pornography (with Garrett Kell)

By G. Kell, J. Leeman | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 11.06.2018

In this episode of Pastors’ Talk, Garrett Kell shares his own past struggles with pornography, and offers counsel to pastors who are currently hiding with secret sin.

Book Review: Purity Is Possible, by Helen Thorne

Review by Jonathan Rourke | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

What makes this book different? It’s written by a woman, engages the topic from a feminine perspective, and reveals why so many are using the erotic to escape reality.

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Sound Doctrine: The Foundation for Faithful Ministry

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The Ordinary Means of Grace—Or, Don’t Do Weird Stuff

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Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory

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Complementarianism: A Moment of Reckoning

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The Heart of the Gospel: Penal Substitutionary Atonement

August 2019
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Church Membership: Following the Lord Together

Church Membership: Following the Lord Together

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The Pastor and Pornography

The Pastor and Pornography

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Don’t Be Too Cool for Sunday School

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Revitalize: Why We Must Reclaim Dying Churches—and How

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The Pastor and his Staff, Part 2

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The Pastor and his Staff, Part 1

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Church Membership: Holding the Body Together

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Church and Parachurch: Friends or Foes?

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Hell: Remembering the Awful Reality

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