9Marks Journal: Immigrant Church (88期:移民教会)

Many immigrant churches are in a state of “divorce”: English ministries are splitting off from immigrant churches and starting their own churches because the pastors of English ministries feel ignored and suppressed, while the senior pastors of immigrant churches feel not included, not respected, and misunderstood. Second-generation immigrants feel justified in their decisions as they leave the churches that spiritually nurtured them, while aging first-generation Christians see their children grow up. This tension is universal. Asians, Latinos, Romanians, and many other immigrant groups face the same dilemma.

How do immigrant churches respond to this tornado of cultural division? While division in the church has caused much harm, it also presents an opportunity for us to explore together what the church is and how it should be governed.

In this issue of the journal, a number of immigrant church leaders share their biblical thinking and practices in the process of pastoring and governing churches. We look forward to the day when all tribes and all peoples can worship the Lord together. But until then, immigrant churches will continue to have a place, preaching the gospel in the heart language of their target people.


