9Marks Journal: Preaching (14期:讲道)

We call expositional preaching the first mark in a healthy church because we believe if you get that right, the other marks follow. You’ll hear this theme surface again and again in this issue’s articles. Mike Gilbart-Smith leads the way by comparing what he calls “authoritative” preaching to recent proposals for “conversational” preaching. Ajith Fernando, Al Mohler, Kevin Smith, and Derek Thomas offer their two cents on that question. Mark Driscoll takes on the proposal for narrative preaching, while former Trinity preaching prof Mike Bullmore presents a defense for expositional preaching. And post modernism, the cause of so much hand-wringing these days about what “should” happen the “pulpit,” is re-considered by “Carl Trueman.”

Yet expositional preaching does not qualify as faithful simply because it exposes the biblical text; it must also demonstrate how the text—rightly exposed—remains relevant to one’s hearers today. That means wisely applying the sermon to our hearers. Deepak Reju thoughtfully asks why so many Christians don’t look to the Scriptures for life and guidance. Israel Haas exhorts younger preachers to consider the middle aged and elderly, while Aaron Menikoff and Mark Dever exhort all preachers to consider several categories of hearers.

Finally, 9Marks wanted to make sure you were familiar with several excellent resources on preaching and biblically theology, which is why we have included four book reviews by two very careful brothers.



不出所料,《讲台与会众》所做的调查征询了1231位主任牧师,请他们在自己各类职责中,列出认为最好的几项。无论这些人的性别、服侍年数、教会规模大小、宗派如何不同,排名前二的分别是:(i) 讲道,以及(ii) 教导人们有信心(传福音及行政列在最末)。无分派别及服侍年龄,牧师们对自己的讲道总是满有自信。(J. 卡罗尔,《神的陶匠》,115页)



