Character Matters (品格至关重要)
Shepherding in the Fruit of the Spirit
Character Matters was written to help you slow down, cut through the noise and distractions, and focus on what matters—the fruit of the Spirit. Each chapter is a guided, biblical meditation on one aspect of each piece of the fruit of the Spirit. As you reflect and focus on the simple things that matter, you’ll see your heart change and your ministry follow, slowly, surely, and by the power of the Spirit.
This book was made possible in partnership with Eight Blessings Limited.
回顾一下早年牧会的时光,我(亚伦·曼尼科夫)发现有一些因素影响了我对神的敬虔,比如对待事工的高标准严要求、对人数增长的渴望,还有缺乏热切祷告。我犯的罪既不是公开的,也算不上丑闻,但却是真实的。我当时还没有认识到,神给我的事工跟拯救我的那位三一真神比起来实在算不上什么。我虽然头脑中知道, 但也非常渴望能够在内心真实地经历到这些。你怎么样呢?
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