Church Elders (Crkvene Starešine)

How to Shepherd God’s People Like Jesus

What does effective church leadership look like? In this conversational book, pastor Jeramie Rinne sets forth an easy-to-understand „job description“ for elders drawn from the Bible’s teaching on church leadership. Offering practical guidance for new elders and helping church members better understand and support their spiritual leaders, this succinct volume will encourage elders to embrace their calling with grace, wisdom, and clarity of vision.

This book was made possible in partnership with Projeka Timotej. Visit their website here.

Kako biti pastir poput Isusa

Kako izgleda delotvorno crkveno vođstvo

Pastir Džeremi Rini u ovoj knjizi napisanoj govornim stilom izlaže jasan „opis posla“ starešine zasnovan na biblijskom učenju o crkvenom vođstvu.

Ova sažeta knjiga izlaže praktične smernice za nove starešine i pomaže crkvenim članovima da bolje razumeju i podržavaju svoje duhovne vođe. Ona će ohrabriti starešine da prihvate svoj poziv s milošću, mudrošću i jasnom vizijom.