Discipling (Učeništvo)

How to Help Others Follow Jesus

Before ascending to heaven, Jesus instructed his followers to „make disciples of all nations.“ But what does this command actually entail? What does it look like for Christians to care for one another’s spiritual well-being and growth? In this introduction to the basics of discipling, veteran pastor and author Mark Dever uses biblical definitions and practical examples to show how Christians can help one another become more like Christ every day. This short book explains how discipling should function in the context of the local church, teaching pastors and church leaders how to cultivate a culture of edification and growth in their congregations.

This book was made possible in partnership with Projeka Timotej. Visit their website here.

Kako pomoći drugima da slede Isusa

Kako izgleda pomagati drugima da postanu sličniji Hristu

U ovom sažetom priručniku pastir Mark Dever sažeto odgovara na pitanja ko, šta, gde, kada, zašto i kako raditi učeništvo – pomažući drugima da slede Isusa.

Prateći obrazac koji nalazimo u Svetom pismu, ova knjiga objašnjava kako odnosi učeništva treba da funkcionišu u kontekstu jedne lokalne crkve, učeći nas kako da negujemo kulturu učeništva kao normalan deo naših svakodnevnih života.