Expositional Preaching (Prèch Ekspozisyonèl)
How We Speak God’s Word Today
In this accessible volume written for preachers and preachers-in-training, pastor David Helm outlines what must be believed and accomplished to become a faithful expositor of God’s Word. In addition to offering practical, step-by-step guidance for preachers, this short book will equip all of us to recognize good preaching when we hear it.
Fason Nou Preche Pawòl Bondye Jodi a
Nan liv tou pare sa a—ki ekri pou predikatè ak predikatè ki nan antrènman— pastè David Helm esplike sa nou dwe kwè ak sa nou dwe akonpli pou nou kapab vin yon predikatè fidèl nan pawòl Bondye a.
Plis ke konsèy pratik epi konsèy etap-pa-etap ke David Helm ofri predikatè a, ti liv kout sa a va prepare nou tout pou rekonèt bon mesaj lè nou tande l’.
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