How Can I Get More out of My Bible Reading? (Come posso ottenere il massimo dalla lettura della Bibbia?)

Practical Suggestions for Spending Quality Time in God’s Word

Church Questions is a series that seeks to provide ordinary Christians with sound and accessible biblical teaching by answering common questions about church life. Each volume offers biblical answers and practical applications with the goal of nurturing healthy church practice and commitment.

Reading the Bible is essential to the Christian faith, but many believers struggle to study it faithfully. In this short booklet, Jeremy Kimble explains how the church acts as God’s school, helping us read and follow Scripture through teaching, fellowship, and discipleship. He also gives advice to improve your own Scripture reading so you can understand the big picture, ask good questions, and apply what you learn.

This book was made possible in partnership with Coram Deo. Visit their website here.

Leggere la Bibbia è essenziale per la fede cristiana, ma per molti credenti è difficile leggerla in modo costante. In questo libretto, Jeremy Kimble spiega in che modo la chiesa svolge il ruolo di “scuola di Dio” aiutandoci a leggere e seguire le Scritture attraverso l’insegnamento, la comunione fraterna e il discepolato. Inoltre, dà consigli su come leggere correttamente la Bibbia, comprendendone il quadro generale, ponendo le giuste domande e mettendo in pratica ciò che impariamo.