How Can I Serve My Church? (Come posso servire la mia chiesa?)

4 Practical Ways to Serve the Local Church

Church Questions is a series that seeks to provide ordinary Christians with sound and accessible biblical teaching by answering common questions about church life. Each volume offers biblical answers and practical applications with the goal of nurturing healthy church practice and commitment.

Believers display the greatness of God’s kingdom to a hostile world when we selflessly serve each other and those around us. In this short booklet, Matthew Emadi explains the vital roles we play within the church. Through acts of service including hospitality, ministry, and evangelism, we bless our communities and long to hear Jesus one day say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

This book was made possible in partnership with Coram Deo. Visit their website here.

I credenti, quando servono disinteressatamente altri cristiani e coloro che li circondano, mostrano la grandezza del regno di Dio a un mondo ostile. In questo breve libretto, Matthew Emadi spiega i fondamentali ruoli che svolgiamo all’interno della chiesa. Attraverso atti di servizio, tra cui l’ospitalità, il ministero e l’evangelizzazione, noi benediciamo le nostre comunità nell’attesa di sentir dire, un giorno, da Gesù: “Ben fatto, servo buono e fedele”.