How Can Women Thrive in the Local Church? (Cum pot crește femeile în biserica locală?)

Many new believers have questions about what it means to live as a Christian in the context of a local church, and pastors are looking for resources to pass along to their congregations to help them think biblically about the Christian life. Church Questions is a series by 9Marks that seeks to provide Christians with sound and accessible biblical teaching by answering common questions about church life. Each booklet offers biblical answers and practical applications with the goal of nurturing healthy church practice and commitment.

What does it look like for women to truly thrive as Christians? In this short booklet, Keri Folmar presents eight essential principles to help women fully engage in the context of the local church, such as prioritizing church membership and involvement, investing in meaningful discipling relationships, and not allowing conflict or bitterness to fester. Women will come away with helpful ideas on how to experience the fullness of God’s grace as they seek out biblical community with other believers.

This book was made possible in partnership with Magna Gratia Ministries. Visit their website here.

Cum pot femeile să crească înfloritor în viața lor creștină? În această scurtă carte, Keri Folmar prezintă opt principii esențiale care să le ajute pe femei să se implice complet în contextul bisericii locale, cum ar fi prioritizarea membralității și a implicării în biserică, investirea în relații de ucenicizare serioase și evitarea conflictelor și a amărăciunii. Femeile pot veni cu idei utile despre cum pot experimenta plinătatea harului lui Dumnezeu în timp ce caută să se implice în comunitatea biblică, alături de alți credincioși.