The Gospel (Evanghelia)

How the Church Portrays the Beauty of Christ

The gospel is the greatest message of all time addressing the greatest need of all people. However, the good news about Jesus does more than just promise eternal life to all who believe. In The Gospel pastor Ray Ortlund explains the gospel’s power to transform individuals from the inside out and create beautiful human relationships. This short book helps readers experience the power of God as they are encouraged to trust in Christ and allow him to transform their beliefs, perspectives, and practices. For everyone who wants to be true to the Bible and honest with themselves, this book offers a practical guide to the fundamental teachings of the gospel and how they affect our relationships with others.

This book was made possible in partnership with Făclia Publishing House and Magna Gratia Ministries.

Biserica întruchipează frumusețea lui Cristos

În această carte incisivă, autorul face lucrarea necesară și convingătoare de a conecta Evanghelia dătătoare de viață la experiența trăită și mărturia Bisericii. Viziunea lui pentru cultura evanghelică ce înflorește în terenul bogat al învățăturii Evangheliei va atrage pe cei ce doresc să vadă lumea captivată de Cristos.

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