Why Should I Give to My Church? (Pourquoi devrais-je soutenir financièrement mon Église ?

Discover the importance of giving in the life of the local church.

Many new believers have questions about what it means to live as a Christian in the context of a local church, and pastors are looking for resources to pass along to their congregations to help them think biblically about the Christian life. Church Questions is a series by 9Marks that seeks to provide Christians with sound and accessible biblical teaching by answering common questions about church life. Each booklet offers biblical answers and practical applications with the goal of nurturing healthy church practice and commitment.

Statistics show that while charitable giving is as popular as ever in America, giving to the church has dropped significantly in the past several decades. The Bible, however, stresses the importance of Christian giving―specifically for the benefit of the local church. In this short booklet, Jamie Dunlop addresses the question Why should I give to my church? by demonstrating how giving to the local church is spiritually rewarding, accomplishes God’s purposes, and brings God glory.

This book was made possible in partnership with Publications Chrétiennes. Visit their website here.

Selon les statistiques, la quantité de dons reçus par l’Église a considérablement diminué au cours des dernières décennies, tandis qu’il est plus populaire que jamais en Occident de faire des dons à des œuvres de bienfaisance. La Bible, pourtant, souligne l’importance de la générosité chrétienne, en particulier au profit de l’Église locale.

Dans cette court livre, Jamie Dunlop démontre non seulement que donner à l’Église locale est spirituellement gratifiant, mais aussi que cela accomplit les desseins de Dieu afin de lui rendre toute la gloire.