Word-Centered Church

How Scripture Brings Life and Growth to God’s People

Word-Centered Church offers a thorough treatment of one of God’s greatest concerns: growing His people and growing His church.

Because when churches center everything they do on God’s Word—when the pulpit ministry gives direction to every aspect of the church’s life—growth happens God’s way. God’s Word is what creates the church, and it’s what sustains it, too.

Theological and practical, Word-Centered Church focuses on how the church hears, responds to, discusses, implements, and is transformed by Scripture.

This book was made possible in partnership with Eight Blessings Limited.

在《以圣道为中心的教会》这本书中,约拿单·李曼(Jonathan Leeman)很好地向我们展示了为何我们能够信靠神的话语。相信神的道创造、维护这个世界,并赋予我们能力来每日顺服神的道。约拿单鼓励我们,并责备和提醒我们要以圣经为中心,好叫我们看到神的作为,而不是不依靠神的权威和能力、我们自己去做事。


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