Uzbek Partnerships & Resources


9Marks partners with local ministries to reach the Uzbek-speaking world with sound resources that will equip, train, mentor, and mobilize pastors in building healthy churches.



Understanding Church Leadership

By Mark Dever

Uzbek Cyrillic: Жамоатдаги Етакчиликни ТушунишUzbek Latin: Jamoatdagi Yetakchilikni Tushunish Who leads a church? Why is this important to God? God cares about his glory, and he means to display his … keep reading…

How Can Women Thrive in the Local Church?

By Keri Folmar

Uzbek Cyrillic: Аёллар маҳаллий жамоатда қандай қилиб руҳан ўсишлари мумкин? Uzbek Latin: Ayollar mahalliy jamoatda qanday qilib ruhan o’sishlari mumkin? Many new believers have questions about what it means to … keep reading…

Why Should I Give to My Church?

By Jamie Dunlop

Uzbek Cyrillic: Жамоатимга нима учун қурбонлик беришим керак? Uzbek Latin: Jamoatimga nima uchun qurbonlik berishim kerak? Many new believers have questions about what it means to live as a Christian … keep reading…

Does God Love Everyone?

By Matt McCullough

Uzbek Cyrillic: Худо ҳаммани севадими?Uzbek Latin: Xudo hammani sevadimi? Many new believers have questions about what it means to live as a Christian in the context of a local church, … keep reading…