Rediscover Church (교회의 재발견)

Why the Body of Christ Is Essential

Churches are currently facing a host of difficult issues―potential shut-downs and restrictions due to COVID-19, political dissension among members, racial division, church abuse scandals, and the list continues. While some attendees have temporarily turned to virtual church services, others are wondering if committing to a local church is worth the trouble. Is it really that important to gather each week?

Written for anyone struggling to answer this question, Collin Hansen and Jonathan Leeman help readers rediscover why the church is essential. Rediscover Church starts from the ground up, examining topics such as the mission of the church, the importance of preaching and teaching, church membership, church discipline, and how to love members who are different. This book is a timely reminder that the church is more than just a livestream―it is an essential fellowship of God’s people furthering God’s mission.

This book was made possible in partnership with Reformed Baptist Books. Visit their website here.

왜 그리스도의 몸은필수적인가

교회가 신자와 하나님의 사역을 위해 왜 필요한지 그 이유에 대해 설명한다. 그들은 성경 구절들을 참조하고 개인적인 이야기들을 예로 들면서, 교회의 모임을 향한 하나님의 참된 의도는 교인들을 개인으로서 그리고 그리스도의 몸으로서 영적으로 강하게 하는 것임을 강조한다. ‘교회 쇼핑’과 ‘라이브스트림 예배’ 시대에, 왜 교회의 미래가 하나님의 가족으로서 정기적으로 모이는 신자들의 모임에 달려 있는지를 재발견하라.