What Is a Healthy Church Member? (Десять признаков здорового члена церкви)
What Is a Healthy Church Member? takes its cue from Mark Dever’s book What Is a Healthy Church?, which offered one definition of what a healthy church looks like biblically and historically. In this new work, pastor Thabiti Anyabwile attempts to answer the natural next question: “What does a healthy church member look like in the light of Scripture?” God intends for us to play an active and vital part in the body of Christ, the local church. He wants us to experience the local church as a home more profoundly wonderful and meaningful than any other place on earth. He intends for his churches to be healthy places and for the members of those churches to be healthy as well. This book explains how membership in the local church can produce spiritual growth in its members and how each member can contribute to the growth and health of the whole.
This book was made possible in partnership with Good News Publishing. Visit their website here.
В книге «10 Признаков здорового члена церкви» Табити Аньябвиле отвечает на вопрос: что в свете Писания представляет собой здоровый член церкви?
Автор следует девяти признакам здоровой церкви по одноименной книге Марка Девера, дополняя их молитвой. Книга разъясняет, как членство в поместной церкви производит духовный рост в ее членах и как каждый член может вносить вклад в рост и духовное здоровье всей общины.