Introducing the 9Marks Mailbag
March 4, 2015
March 4, 2015
Here at 9Marks, we’re in the business of “building healthy churches.” If you’ve been around us at all, you probably know that already. We do this in a variety of ways. We host events, we write books, and we have a website that houses our everyday content.
We pursue other avenues, of course, but they all trend in the same direction. Whether we’re talking to pastors or deacons or just “mere” church-members, we have one fundamental desire: to create content, host events, and support informal networks for the building and strengthening of healthy local churches, both here and abroad.
To that end, we’re beginning a new feature on our site: the 9Marks mailbag. Lord willing, every Friday Jonathan Leeman (and perhaps the occasional special guest) will answer your questions. (I’ll describe how you’ll submit those questions in a second.) Our goal in doing this is to offer counsel on questions that will be wide-ranging, practical, and from actual readers in the throes of actual dilemmas.
Now on to the nitty-gritty. To ask a mailbag-eligible question, simply shoot an email to this address: Keep the question to roughly 100 words, as this will avoid those that, though legitimate, require overly nuanced explanations. Throughout the week, Jonathan and myself will pick a handful of the most eminently useful ones and post responses by Friday morning. We’ll feature those responses on a weekly article simply called a “mailbag.”
Every mailbag will feature a possibly edited version of each question and a response. So, please provide your name and your church in the initial email if possible. Of course, if the question involves any sensitive or confidential information, we’re happy to list questions as anonymous.
What kinds of questions are we looking for, you ask? Anything, really, so long as you think the answer would help not only you, but other pastors and church leaders, as well. From the serious and deeply theological to the not-so-serious and intensely practical, we’re looking forward to the mailbag serving many.
The first mailbag will go live on Friday, March 6. It’s already finished and ready to go. But for every mailbag after that, we’ll need your questions.
So the rest, I think, is up to you: