What are some practical ways a pastor can equip women for ministry?
- Pray for the women in your church. God uses our prayers to bring about growth and keep opportunities and concerns before us.
- Identify women of good character and train them to minister to other women. One way to train women for ministry is to offer Bible studies for women with the expectation that each attendee will take another woman through the study after the class is completed. This will help to develop a team of women who can counsel and encourage other women in the congregation.
- Use women in counseling. Pastors can involve their wives in marriage counseling or involve other couples in the church in counseling those whose marriages are struggling.
- Commend women who embody gutsy theology and effective ministry. Your church probably has a Phoebe who sets the pace for others (Rom. 16:1-2). So, as Paul does to the Romans, commend such women to your church. Flavor your sermons with illustrations of women in your church family and in church history.
- Champion godly women at funerals. Funeral services for saints are an opportunity to praise God for evidences of his grace, so hold up godly women who have finished their race as models for the whole church.
(This material has been adapted from Bob Johnson’s article, “How Pastors Can Equip Women for Ministry”)