A Guide for Praying Nation by Nation

by Jonathan Leeman

Jonathan (@JonathanLeeman) edits the 9Marks series of books as well as the 9Marks Journal. He is also the author of several books on the church. Since his call to ministry, Jonathan has earned a master of divinity from Southern Seminary and a Ph.D. in Ecclesiology from the University of Wales. He lives with his wife and four daughters in Cheverly, Maryland, where he is an elder at Cheverly Baptist Church.

December 12, 2016

Editor’s note: One of our hopes for this Journal is that it will spur you on in prayer for our brothers and sisters around the globe. To that end, we’ve compiled a list of prayer requests from our contributors.

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Pray that the Lord would grant the church a deeper understanding of the gospel in order to grow in believing and living the gospel for His glory in Albania and beyond.


In the midst of increased cultural pressure, pray that God would give existing local churches grace to be faithful to his Word, and cause their work to be fruitful. Pray for an increased number of healthy local churches to be planted. Pray that the Word is faithfully preached, disciples are made, and churches that display God’s glory are established.


Pray that Brazilian churches might faithfully mature and display God’s glory among the nations.


Please pray that churches would be increasingly fruitful in evangelism and increasingly faithful in teaching disciples not merely the gospel, but everything Jesus has commanded.


Pray that the Lord would continue to bless churches in Cameroon with evangelistic fervor and missionary support.


Pray that new government laws would not prevent or discourage churches from growing in health.


Pray William Carey’s prayer that the Lord’s kingdom might advance in truth in India, and that the Indian church might truly be a “people formed for God.”


Pray for Iranian churches to grow in a right understanding of the Lord’s Supper.


Pray that the testimony of the church in Israel will be strong. And that the truth of the gospel will be preached faithfully throughout the land.


Pray for the Lord to raise up well-trained pastors, so they can impart truth to the next generation and have well-fed, thriving churches that exalt Christ. Pray also for more Bible study tools to be translated into Malagasy, as they seek to plant churches in some of the least-reached and remote parts of the island.


Pray for perseverance. Pray for conviction and courage. Pray that God will be glorified in Myanmar.


Pray for church planters doing the slow-going work of calling people to repentance and faith in a hostile environment.

The Philippines

Pray that the Philippines will become known as a place where the church is thriving, gospel-centered, and healthy.


Please pray for more resources and good training to be made available in Poland. Please pray that churches would be discerning as they are flooded with various models and ideas from the West, that they would reject worldliness and embrace God’s design for the church.


Pray for the gospel to continue to take root and grow in Singapore. Pray for the planting of healthy, gospel-centered churches, and for the gospel to make inroads into the segments of the population it hasn’t yet. May God grant greater gospel fruit and enable the churches in Singapore to more clearly display the gospel, for his glory!

South Africa

Pray that our government will not restrict or hinder our religious freedoms. Pray for local churches to own their responsibility to train men for the ministry and plant more churches.

South Korea

Ask the Lord to raise up a generation of pastors and churches that are healthy and deeply gospel-centered. We don’t need bigger churches; we need saltier and brighter churches. May God purify and renew his church in Korea.


Pray for more gospel-centered churches, leaders, discipleship, and outreach throughout Spain

United Arab Emirates

Pray for safety if you wish. But more importantly pray that the churches in the UAE will continue to grow in health and to plant other healthy churches. Pray they will outshine the bad churches that exist. Pray that they will continue to find favor from the rulers so that the display of God’s glory in healthy churches can continue to be held up in that region.