Top Ten 9Marks Podcast Episodes from 2024
December 31, 2024
December 31, 2024
As the multimedia manager at 9Marks, I have the joy and privilege of overseeing and editing all our podcasts. Out of the 130ish episodes we’ve released this year, here are my top ten. (See our 2023 list here.) I hope these resources will continue to bless our listeners. If you have benefited from our podcasts this year, please like and subscribe. It helps!
With the kingdom splintered, the new king, Rehoboam, stands at a crucial juncture of leading his people. Instead of following after David, a righteous king, who does he become? We see that he becomes like Pharaoh. In this episode, Alex, Jim, and Sam talk through this sad story of the divided nation.
9Marks is primarily for pastors, but it’s not only for pastors. If applied rightly, a healthy local church equips all—young and old, men and women. I appreciated this episode because (1) the hosts share how much CHBC has changed their lives by injecting them with healthy ecclesiology and (2) Keri, Jenny, and Erin all want to infect others with their joyful, serious convictions on the church.
In an all-too-familiar passage in the Old Testament, we see David painfully ignorant of his sin, just like his predecessor. But in his kindness, the LORD speaks and confronts. And David repents. In this episode, Jim, Sam, and Alex remind us of the beauty of God’s grace, which confronts us and forgives us of our sins through the greater David.
How did an unbeliever become a Christian, then an Anglican pastor, and then a Baptist pastor? Grant Borg, the pastor of Church of Risen King Jesus, has had a fascinating journey, and the doctrine of the church plays a huge role in how he views his ministry in Australia. Listen if you want to be encouraged. And pray for churches in Australia.
Preachers aspire to be influenced by the Word, but they’re also inevitably influenced by what happens in their lives. Whether it’s fear or sadness, a quick trip to an emergency room or an unexplainable pain in the body, preachers take more than just their sermon notes to the pulpit. In this episode, Ed, Jeremy, and Dave talk about how preachers should navigate the tension between life and the pulpit.
Brooks and Nina Buser’s episode on the Yembi Yembi last year was a highlight for me. So it was delightful to hear again about what Whatleys’ work amongst the Moi. These episodes are always a good reminder to continue to pray to the Lord of Harvests. And praise God that he is raising them.
If you don’t know Eden Kell’s story, you can read it here. In these two special episodes, Garrett shares how his theology of God and suffering held him firm through suffering. If your pastor is going through a hard time and your church is wondering how you can practically help, this is a great episode to listen to.
As 1 Kings closes, we’re reminded that every course of history—yes, even when a certain man drew his bow at random and struck the king of Israel—is governed by the sovereign God. This same God calls his people to turn back from their idols and to trust in his Word. He is still sovereign, and he is still calling his people today.
If you’re a parent, no one has to force you to pray for your children’s salvation. We desperately want our children to be saved. But as Stuart Scott reminds us, this desperation can sometimes be unhealthy. This episode of Counseling Talk is a great resource to correct and encourage parents at your church in how to parent and pray for your children’s salvation.
We know pastors are called to lead their sheep, even the frustrated ones. But for many, pastoring frustrated sheep is not only hard but hazardous; some should be pursued while others should be left alone. Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman’s pastoral experience shines brightly here and pastors would be well-served by this episode.