Lord’s Day’s Worship Gathering Preparation & Evaluation Guide

By Blake Boylston | 05.28.2024

“They received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.”

A Better Way to Look at Missions

By Brooks Buser | 05.21.2024

People often ask me: “Is such and such a good idea in missions?” The reason for this question is that there are thousands of different things going on in the missions world today. It makes sense why pastors are at a loss in sorting through the good and bad. How do we know what amounts to “good” missions?

Are All of Our Shrinking Churches Evangelistic Failures?

By Alex Bouffard | 05.17.2024

True evangelism often takes longer, grows slower, and prunes more intentionally than mere intellectual assent accounts for.

Regulative Discipleship: Why a Full Calendar Doesn’t Necessarily Produce Mature Church Members

By Caleb Batchelor | 05.15.2024

If we affirm the regulative principle for the Sunday morning gathering, shouldn’t we also apply the same conviction to the rest of our discipleship ministries? 

A Quick-Start Guide for Church Revitalization

By Jake Wright | 05.01.2024

How do you shepherd a flock to healthier pastures when the sheep aren’t yet convinced that the grass is greener on the other side?

Book Review: The Church, by Erin Wheeler

By Rachel Ware | 04.29.2024

Erin Wheeler does a wonderful job of both defending the doctrine of the church and describing its beauty.

Four Reasons to Preach the Psalms as a Book

By Davy Ellison | 04.26.2024

The intentional ordering of the 150 psalms may have been rediscovered in academia, but it has very practical benefits for the Christian in the pew.

Give Them Time: How to Protect the Assuring Nature of a Child’s Baptism

By Michael Lawrence | 04.12.2024

How do we know if we’re looking at a good kid or a regenerate kid? The one thing we know for sure is that time will tell.

Four Ways God Used a Church Fire for Good

By Skylar Spradlin | 04.09.2024

On November 1, 2022, our church building burned down. Not one part was salvageable. The fire swept through the attic at astonishing speed. Not a single notepad or paper clip … keep reading…

Visible Grace in Disagreements

By Caleb Batchelor | 03.06.2024

Does the tone of your disagreements sound more like the intercessions of Jesus or the accusations of Satan?

Four Benefits of Inviting Evaluation of Your Preaching

By Jonathan Threlfall | 02.29.2024

In “swapping sermons” with fellow pastors, I have discovered four benefits.

Does Your Church Have an Evangelist?

By Jim Donohue | 02.26.2024

When churches invest time, prayer, resources, and finances into reaching the lost, God loves to bless those efforts with fruit.

Pastoring a Transient Church

By Josh Hayward | 02.21.2024

How can pastors shepherd their ever-changing flocks to devote themselves to fellowship?

Leading a Congregational Church Through Constitutional Change

By Trent Rogers | 02.15.2024

Here are eight nuggets of practical wisdom for leadership in an elder-led, congregational church about changing its constitution.

Pastoring a Small Church While Parenting Special Needs Children

By Eric Brown | 02.13.2024

All pastoring and parenting is hard. But some situations may be more difficult than others.