How the Gospel Shapes Our Liturgy

By Trent Hunter | 09.05.2024

This is a good example of how one pastor taught his church about corporate worship and liturgy design.

How the Gospel Shapes Our Gathering

By Trent Hunter | 08.29.2024

This is the first in a series of four articles on the design of a corporate worship gathering.

Strategy Is Critical—but You Already Have One!

By Jamie Dunlop | 08.27.2024

If pastors really understood what “strategy” or “mission statement” means in a business context, they wouldn’t be so quick to apply it to the church—or at least they might do so in a more discerning way.

Spurgeon’s Five Marks of a Healthy Church

By J. Drew Tillman | 08.22.2024

In 1860, Spurgeon spoke to the London Missionary Society and expressed a desire for fruitful missions. For Spurgeon, successful missions started with healthy local churches.

Live Among the Flock

By Brandon Langley | 08.15.2024

If the Great Commission is our greatest ambition, pastors should certainly cast a vision for choosing one’s home with the mission in mind.

Is the Multi-Service Model Really Practical?

By Danny D’Acquisto | 08.13.2024

If a church does not have a vision to multiply churches, then however “biblical” their vision may be, it is deeply broken from the start.

How Spurgeon’s Soul Struggles Led to His Church’s Soul Care

By James Choi | 08.06.2024

Of the numerous nicknames aptly attributed to Charles Hadden Spurgeon, perhaps the most incisive and comprehensive description would be the title of his well-known work “The Soul Winner.”

How to Care for a Big Church

By Mitch DePoy | 07.16.2024

We don’t believe God’s expectation of shepherds diminishes because the church grows.


By B. Croft, R. Martin | 06.20.2024

Silence is a catalyst for care for one’s soul and for combating a noisy, hurried ministry. 

Anticipating Your Reward

By Omar Johnson | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

Don’t focus on the rewards that were never promised to you. Focus on the ones that were promised.

Brothers, Train up the Next Generation

By Mike Bullmore | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

Necessary to faithful gospel ministry is an investment in the next generation of gospel ministers.

Pastor, Remember Where Your Identity Is Found Before You Retire

By Phil Newton | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

The habits and patterns of our spiritual focus in the present will prepare us for the day when we’re not front-and-center.

Learn to Rest

By Wes Pastor | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

How can the proverbial old dog learn to rest? The key is in not retreating completely.

Six Lessons I Learned When I Could Not Pastor

By John Erickson | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

Pastoral ministry is not who we are. It is a wonderful role, but whether or not we are pastors, we are his children, and he is our kind Father.

How Should I Serve My Church after I Stop Being Its Senior Pastor?

By Bob Johnson | 9Marks Journal: Seasons in a Pastor's Life | 06.10.2024

The year 2024 marks my thirty-fifth year as the senior pastor of the same church. After I step away, how should I be involved in my church?