Assembly Required: 25 Reasons to Regularly Participate in Public and Corporate Worship

By H. B. Charles | 01.20.2023

Christ is the head of the church, and the church is the body of Christ. You cannot have a high view of Christ and a low view of the church.

Questionnaire for a Prospective Elder

By 9Marks | 01.19.2023

How do you determine if a man is not only qualified to be an elder, but also compatible to elder at your church?

Mission and Maturity

By Jonathan D. Worthington | 01.18.2023

Presenting converts to Christ was not Paul’s ultimate missional dream. Nor was presenting planted churches. He wanted to present communities of mature believers to Christ.

Reflections From a New Pastor For New Church Planters

By Joshua Roulhac | 01.17.2023

Here are 10 reflections/encouragements from a pastor who planted Congress Heights Community Church in SE Washington, DC last year.

Three Reasons Why You Should Encourage Your Congregation to Gather Every Week

By Sam Koo | 01.13.2023

Encourage your church members to deliberately plan, arrange, and order their weeks and months so that they would be in the pews for those 52 Sundays.

Use Your Family Worship to Prepare for Corporate Worship

By Joshua Chatman | 01.12.2023

As a movie trailer builds anticipation for a movie, the Lord can use our family worship to grow our expectations for gathering on the Lord’s Day.

Planting Sticks: The Beauty of Pastoral Tenure in Rural Churches

By Cody Hale | 01.10.2023

The healthiest churches are often the result of pastoral ministries shaped by a long-term perspective of the kingdom.

Best Books for Pastors in 2022

By Alex Duke | 12.21.2022

We asked pastors around the world a simple question: what books did you read in 2022 that helped you be a better pastor?

Lessons for Missions from the Ministries of John G. Paton and Wang Ming-dao (王明道)

By Eric Beach | 12.20.2022

Christians don’t always recognize the importance of the local church and church polity to missions. Yet some of the great missionaries and evangelists of the past knew that building healthy churches was central to their work.

A Foolproof Discipling Program: Corporate Worship

By John Sarver | 9Marks Journal: The Church's Ministries | 12.15.2022

The Sunday gathering is the primary discipler of a local congregation because of what it proclaims and the pattern it sets.

Moving Away from Music-Specific Services

By Allen Duty | 9Marks Journal: The Church's Ministries | 12.15.2022

Music-specific services actively promote division in the body of Christ.

Why an Elder Should Oversee the Bookstall

By Josh Manley | 9Marks Journal: The Church's Ministries | 12.15.2022

When your church’s bookstall overseer isn’t feeding the sheep healthy food, they’re working against the digestion of the church’s entire teaching ministry.

Why Parents Are the Primary Spiritual Caregivers of Their Children

By Rhys Plant | 9Marks Journal: The Church's Ministries | 12.15.2022

Equip the saints for the work of the ministry by helping parents disciple their children toward maturity.

5 Steps for Preventing Abuse in Children’s Ministry

By Chad Holmgren | 9Marks Journal: The Church's Ministries | 12.15.2022

Given the prevalence of child abuse in our society, a church should never assume abuse could not happen in its children’s ministry.

Spotting, Assessing, and Training Leaders for Church Ministries

By Joel Kurz | 9Marks Journal: The Church's Ministries | 12.15.2022

We need to find and train leaders. But how?