Biblical Theology (Biblična teologija)
How the Church Faithfully Teaches the Gospel
Throughout the history of the church, Christians have always had to contend with the influence of unbiblical teachings related to God, humanity, and salvation. One of the most important safeguards against all forms of heresy is a robust appreciation for biblical theology—reading the Bible in a way that takes into account the whole storyline of redemptive history. Exhorting pastors and other church leaders to prioritize biblical theology in their own congregations, this book explains basic principles for reading the Bible that help pastors teach the big story of the Bible from every text. Understanding the Bible in Christ-centered terms shapes the church’s teaching and mission, and protects the truth of the gospel around the world.
This book was made possible in partnership with Vrelec. Visit their website here.
Kako naj cerkev zvesto uči evangelij
Kristjani neštetih cerkva po vsem svetu vsak teden prebirajo Sveto pismo, a pri tem zgrešijo bistvo; posledica je, da cerkve teden za tednom poučujejo lažne evangelije. Eden izmed najpomembnejših mehanizmov, s katerim se lahko cerkve obvarujejo pred to nevarnostjo, je razumevanje biblične teologije: branja Svetega pisma v luči njegovega glavnega sporočila, katerega vrhunec je v Jezusu Kristusu.
Avtorja najprej oblikujeta okvir za razumevanje celovite zgodbe Svetega pisma, nato pa razložita osnovna načela, s katerimi si lahko pomagamo pri določanju prednostnih elementov poučevanja tega sporočila. Knjiga bo tako cerkvam v pomoč pri varovanju resnice evangelija.
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