Church Discipline (CRKVENA DISCIPLINA)

How the Church Protects the Name of Jesus

Church discipline is essential to building a healthy church. So how exactly do we practice church discipline? Jonathan Leeman helps us face the endless variety of circumstances and sins for which no scriptural case study exists, sins that don’t show up on any list and need a biblical framework to be corrected appropriately in love. Here is a contemporary and concise how-to guide that provides a theological framework for understanding and implementing disciplinary measures in the local church, along with several examples of real-life situations and the corresponding responses.

This book was made possible in partnership with Projeka Timotej. Visit their website here.

Kako crkva štiti Isusovo ime


Dakle, kako tačno praktikujemo crkvenu disciplinu? 

Džonatan Liman nam pomaže da se suočimo sa beskrajnom raznolikošću situacija i grehova za koje ne postoji studija slučaja u Svetom pismu, gresima koji se ne pojavljuju ni na jednom spisku i treba im biblijska okosnica da bi se na odgovarajući način ispravili u ljubavi. Ovo je savremeni i sažeti priručnik koji pruža teološki okvir za razumevanje i sprovođenje disciplinskih mera u mesnoj crkvi, zajedno sa nekoliko primera situacija iz stvarnog života i odgovarajućih odgovora. 

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