Nine Marks of a Healthy Church (Devet odlika zdrave Crkve)
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You may have read books on this topic before—but not like this one. Instead of an instruction manual for church growth, this classic text offers tried and true principles for assessing the health of your church. Whether you’re a pastor, a leader, or an involved member of your congregation, studying the nine marks of a healthy church will help you cultivate new life and well-being within your own church for God’s glory. This book is a good introduction and study guide considering the essential marks of a Healthy Church.
This book was made possible in partnership with Projeka Timotej. Visit their website here.
Šta crkvu čini zdravom?
Možda ste čitali knjige na ovu temu, ali sigurno niste čitali nijednu poput ove. Umesto priručnika s uputstvima za rast crkve, ova klasična knjiga nudi proverena i istinita načela za procenu zdravlja vaše crkve sa stanovišta Svetog pisma. Bilo da ste pastir, vođa neke službe ili predani član svoje zajednice, proučavanje devet odlika zdrave crkve će vam pomoći u negovanju novog života i dobrostanja u vašoj crkvi – za Božiju slavu i dobrostanje njegovog naroda.
Ovaj klasični vodič sada sadrži i novi uvod, ilustracije i dodatke, a glavni deo knjige je dopunjen.
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