Episode 109 41min March 6, 2024

2 Samuel 21–22: On a Reincarnated Goliath, a Chiastic Cheat Code, and David as the “New Israel” (Bible Talk, Ep. 109)

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We’ve entered 1–2 Samuel’s epilogue, which rewinds the clock to mighty deeds of mighty men and gives us a chiastic cheat code that reveals some fascinating connections between King David and all that’s gone before.


1:51 / How do we know that chapter 21 begins a flashback in 2 Samuel? And why structure the book like that?

7:14 / Who are the Gibeonites, and should David have given into their vicious, bloodthirsty request? (21:1–14)

13:52 / Mighty Deeds of Mighty Men, Part 1 (21:15–22)

21:33 / How are 2 Samuel 22 and Psalm 18 related?

23:27 / What does David assess is happening in the spiritual realm as enemies try to kill him? (22:5–6)

25:24 / How are David and Hannah’s song connected, and what do their similarities communicate? 

26:33 / David knows his Bible and interprets his life typologically. (22:8–17, 20, 31, 41, 51)

35:13 / In what way did David “not turn aside” from the Lord’s statues? (22:21–25)

37:56 / “With the crooked you make yourself seem tortuous.” (22:27)

Graphic: Rispah, Joseph Turner (1807-1808)


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