Deuteronomy 12–13: On Church Discipline, Oracle-Mongers, and Barbecues at the Garden of Eden (Bible Talk, Ep. 59)
In Deuteronomy 12–13, Moses urges his fellow Israelites not to fall back into false worship—even if dreamers, their loved ones, and everyone around them tells them that it’s okay.
2:49 / Where are we in the book of Deuteronomy?
6:27 / After the Israelites enter the Promised Land, there will be a place where the Lord will “put his name and make his habitation”—the only place they are to offer sacrifices (Deut. 12:5).
9:03 / Sam says the future temple is a miniaturized replica of the Garden of Eden, whereas places of idol worship are counterfeit Edens (see: Deut. 12:2).
10:30 / Is the “place” Moses referring to the temple?
11:50 / “There you shall eat before the Lord your God” is rich with biblical theology (Deut. 12:7).
12:29 / Jim commentates on verses 8-14 of chapter 12.
14:19 / Moses begins verse 15 of chapter 12 by saying, “However.” What contrast does he set up?
15:55 / Should churches call their main meeting place a sanctuary?
17:14 / What does Moses intend to communicate about idolatry in chapter 13?
19:58 / Moses warns about signs and wonders that aren’t from the Lord.
22:04 / Moses prescribes the death penalty for a false prophet or dreamer, which leaves Theonomists with a conundrum.
23:50 / How should we apply Moses’ warning in these chapters today? Church discipline?
26:23 / The Lord demands ultimate, unrivaled allegiance—over even family members.
30:18 / Fear of the Lord means fear of the Lord.
33:54 / What if a whole city is given over to idolatry? Is that proof it’s okay? (Deut. 13:12-18)
Bible Talk
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