Numbers 17–19: On Warrior-Priests, Heifer Ashes, and Aaron’s Almond Joy (Bible Talk, Ep. 48)
In our previous episode, the Israelites tried to reject both Aaron’s line and the entire sacrificial system. So they got swallowed up by the earth. In Numbers 17–19, Moses makes it clear that these people need an appointed priest to stand between them and the holiness of God.
2:10 / Why does Aaron’s staff bud?
5:13 / How does Israel respond to the budding of Aaron’s rod? Why is their response right?
8:40 / Why are there two more chapters of restated laws here?
10:38 / How is the Lord abundantly gracious to Israel through the priesthood?
13:43 / Why does the Lord give the Levites no portion of land in Numbers 18:20?
15:15 / Sam points out the logic of the tithe in Numbers 18. Are new covenant Christians required to give a tenth of their income?
18:10 / What is the covenant of salt?
20:40 / What’s the goal and highlights of Numbers 19?
24:28 / How do the ashes of Numbers 19 appear in the New Testament and point us to Christ?
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Artwork: Aaron’s Rod Budded and Blossomed, by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (1794–1872), from the 1860 Die Bibel in Bildern.
Bible Talk
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