December 22, 2016

Western Missions and the Global Church: An Interview with Two International Christians

In this 9Marks interview, missions pastor Andy Johnson sits down with two international Christians—”Arnold” and “Vincent”—to discuss the role the Western church plays in the growth of Christianity abroad, particularly in the Muslim world and China.

“Arnold” came to Christ in a predominately Muslim Central Asian country. He heard the gospel in college and has spent much of his Christian life serving house churches in his home country, where there are fewer than 100 evangelical churches.

“Vincent” heard the gospel in college, but didn’t believe. He then lived as a Buddhist for a decade. But God saved him several years ago and he’s served as a pastor in East Asia in the years since.

These are but two stories of what God is doing overseas. Listen to these brothers and learn from them.

The interview also touches on what have traditionally been called Church Planting Movements, and whether or not rapidity and reproduction should be a driving force in our overseas church planting (19:00 mark).

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