9Marks Weekender 2022 | High Pointe Baptist Church

Austin, TX | | February 24–27, 2022 | Register

The goal of a 9Marks Weekender is to provide an environment in which leaders can observe and discuss the biblical and practical dynamics of nurturing love and holiness in a local church.

This Weekender in Austin, TX, immerses church leaders and seminarians in the life of High Pointe Baptist Church over the course of a weekend. You'll get an up-close and personal experience with our services, congregational meeting, focused teaching on the church, plenty of Q&A, and even attend an elder's meeting. We want to begin a conversation by showing you what we do, and the biblical and pastoral reasoning behind it. Learn more, or Register here.

February 24-27, 2022

High Pointe Baptist Church
Austin, TX

More information here.



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