The Church Should Sing for Heaven’s Sake: When and Why We Stopped Singing about Heaven, and How to Start Again
By Matthew Westerholm | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020Churches that neglect heaven don’t serve their members well because they make promises they cannot keep.
“The Very Heaven of Heaven”: Puritan Reflections on Immanuel’s Land
By Matt Haste | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020While the Puritans are often remembered for preaching about the horrors of hell, they gave far more attention to the glories of heaven.
On Earth as in Heaven: A (Very) Brief Biblical Theology of Heaven
By Sam Emadi | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020Does Scripture offer more than a few scattered references to heaven? Even more, does heaven play any part in the Bible’s storyline?
Do We Get Rewards in Heaven?
By Brian Vickers | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020Christians should never think of obedience, love, or service in terms of earning some future pay-off.
Three Ways Our Deeds Relate to Our Salvation
By John Piper | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020The biblical texts relating to this issue are many and diverse, but not contradictory. If you take any one of them and treat it as the whole picture, you will almost surely lead people astray.
Hallelujah Over Hell? How God’s People Rejoice While Their Enemies Perish
By David Mathis | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020While we may struggle now with how the eternal destruction of the wicked could be a cause for joy, we won’t struggle forever.
Crumbling Homes on Earth, Established Kingdom in Heaven
By Dieudonné Tamfu | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020Sometimes, I ask myself: How can I live and serve Christ in such a crumbling place?
Thank God for the “Pie in the Sky”: Why the Heavenly Minded Do the Most Earthly Good
By Aaron Menikoff | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020The older I get, the more I long for heaven. But this longing isn’t tempting me to curl up on the couch, cover my eyes, and simply wait for this terrible world to go away.
The Other Christ-Centered Joys of Heaven: An All-Things Vision of the Christian Afterlife
By Jared C. Wilson | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020What joy it will be to finally see, hear, touch, and taste things as God truly and eternally intended!
God Can’t Wait for You to Get to Heaven: A Reflection on Ephesians 2:7
By Dane Ortlund | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020Ephesians 2:7 is telling you that your death is not an end but a beginning. Not a wall, but a door. Not an exit, but an entrance.
Hymns in a Woman’s Life
By Drew Bratcher | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020I was the first of the fourth generation of the family, and, being the oldest by several years, spent considerable time with my great-grandmother, much of it alone. I liked her.
Forum: Perspectives on Heaven from the Persecuted Church
By J. Mack Stiles, J. Folmar | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020We asked pastors around the world this question: “How have you encouraged Christians experiencing significant persecution with the hope of heaven?”
Churches: The Embassies and Geography of Heaven
By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020Your local church is an embassy and the temporary geography of heaven. Have you ever thought about that?
The Lord’s Supper: A Foretaste of the Heavenly Banquet
By Bobby Jamieson | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020The Lord’s Supper is an appetizer for the feast that will commence on the day when Christ reunites heaven and earth.
How Church Discipline Aims at Heaven
By Chopo Mwanza | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020When we think of church discipline, it’s easy for us to detach it from our future hope. But we must guard against that temptation.
The Hope of Heaven at the Beginning of Ministry
By Omar Johnson | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020On your worst day, or during your worst week, or after what may feel like the worst possible start to ministry you can imagine, there’s reason to rejoice, reason to hold out hope. Your name is written in heaven.
The Hope of Heaven at the End of Ministry
By Phil Newton | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020I should have talked more about the hope of heaven at the beginning of my ministry because I certainly can’t quit talking about it now as I near my ministry’s end.
Heavenly Helps for Pastoral Problems: 7 Ways Heaven Helps Us Overcome Challenges in Ministry
By Mark Redfern | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020Paul repeatedly connects the implications of eternal life to his pastoral labor. In this article, I will highlight seven of those implications.
Heaven in Our Troubles
By Jeremy Pierre | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020Scripture doesn’t describe heaven generically, but specifically, with details meant to grip our hearts in times of trouble.
Preaching Heaven to Help Your People Fight Materialism
By Ryan Fullerton | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020Here are four ways we can preach about heaven that will help both our people and ourselves put off an unhealthy desire to treat the material things of this life as our ultimate treasure.
Should You Talk About Heaven When You Share the Gospel?
By Matthias Lohmann | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020We should talk about heaven in our evangelism because it’s the ultimate goal of the gospel’s promise.
How Does the Hope of Heaven Drive Missions?
By Wayne Chen | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020Every person on the planet will live forever. The sooner we accept that reality, the sooner we will pursue missions with urgency, focus, and perseverance.
Book Review: Heaven by Randy Alcorn
By Caleb Greggsen | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020Randy Alcorn’s Heaven responds to fanciful, Scripture-less depictions of heaven with a faithful, biblical exploration of the subject.
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