The Pastor and Pornography
Watch Out! To a Pastor Indulging in Pornography
by Andy Naselli
How to Respond When a Servant, an Elder, or Struggles with Pornography
by Aaron Menikoff
When Your Pastor-Husband Looks at Porn
by Carrie Kell
Does Pornography Use Disqualify a Pastor?
by Garrett Kell
Can We Restore Pastors After Sexual Sin: A Short Answer
by John Piper
Can We Restore Pastors After Sexual Sin: A Longer Answer
by Jared C. Wilson
Corporate Consequences of Unchecked Porn Use
by Jason Seville
How Do Church Members Fight Porn Addiction Together?
by Deepak Reju
Discipling a Generation Who Grew up with Porn
by Allen Duty
Are There Good and Bad Kinds of Accountability?
by Jaime Owens
Cultivating a Culture of Transparency in Your Church
by James Choi
How to Make Your Church a Safe Space for Confession
by PJ Tibayan
Killing an Increasingly Tolerated Sin
by Vergil Brown
Does Pornography Use Ever Justify Church Discipline?
by Brad Wheeler
The Sins Behind the Sin of Pornography
by John Henderson
What to Say When a Church Member Asks for Help
by Clint Darst
Helping Women Who Struggle with Pornography
by Stephanie Greer
8 Tips for Fighting Pornography
by Paul Jeon
How to Counsel Couples Through Past Sexual Sin
by Scott Croft
Is Pornography Use Ever Grounds for Divorce?
by Thomas J. Schreiner
Book Review: Captured by a Better Vision: Living Porn Free, by Tim Challies
by Dave Gobbett
Book Review: A Better Story: God, Sex, and Human Flourishing, by Glynn Harrison
by Dave Gobbett
Book Review: Diehard Sins, by Rush Witt
by Josh Vincent
Book Review: The Game Plan, by Joe Dallas
by Nate Keeler
Book Review: Hide OR Seek, by John Freeman; Sexual Sanity for Men, by David White
by Raymond Johnson
Book Review: Wired for Intimacy, by William Struthers
by Deepak Reju
Book Review: Sexual Detox, by Tim Challies
by Justin Perry
Editor’s Note:
Why would 9Marks devote an issue of the 9Marks Journal to the topic of pornography and the pastor? Because it’s an increasingly common sin, and its commonality tempts us to downplay its destructive power in our marriages and ministries. We want you to take it seriously if you’re not, and to have the tools to help others fight if you are.
Think of how much ink Paul spilled on sexual sin in his letter to the Corinthian church. He took it seriously. So should we.
Start with Andy Naselli’s piece for a sobering warning, especially if you’re tempted to downplay it in your own life. See also Aaron Menikoff’s wise counsel. Then jump to Jason Seville’s piece for all the potential corporate consequences of this sin.
Garrett Kell takes up the complicated question of whether it disqualifies a pastor, while Garrett’s wife, Carrie, counsels the pastor’s wife.
Deepak Reju, Jaime Owens, PJ Tibayan, and James Choi offer critical help on cultivating a church that fights this sin together.
And don’t miss the pastoral tools offered by Brad Wheeler and John Henderson.
I want to keep going. Every article offers a critical tool in the battle. But you get the point. Equip yourself to fight pornography in your own life and in the lives of others. If you struggle with pornography and have concluded it’s inevitable, you have been deceived. It’s not. Christ died to sin so that we would sin no longer. Encourage others with this same good news.
—Jonathan Leeman
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