Book Review: A Day’s Journey, by Tim Keesee

Review by Simona Gorton | 09.10.2024

More than most, pastors have a front row seat to the brokenness of the world. This book provides categories for testifying to the wisdom and care of our God both in simple, good gifts and startling trials.

The Origins of the Altar Call and the Sinner’s Prayer

Review by Sam Emadi | 09.03.2024

In some quarters of evangelicalism, evangelistic preaching is synonymous with the altar call and the sinner’s prayer. But despite their widespread use, they’re relatively recent innovations in church history.

Book Review: The Local Church, by Edward W. Klink III

Review by Paul Alexander | 08.28.2024

“Your local church is the primary people and place where your relationship with God happens, where your relationship with Christian family happens, and where you are assigned to do ministry and missions.”

Book Review: The Book of Church Order, by the OPC

Review by Andrew Morgan | 08.08.2024

While Baptist polity differs from the polity presented in the BCOOPC, it’s clear that we are co-laborers in the gospel who worship the same “King and head of the church, the only Mediator between God and man, Jesus Christ.”

Book Review: The Truth About Lies, by J. Mack Stiles

Review by Byron Straughn | 07.18.2024

At a time when people are afraid of being cancelled or have forgotten how to be charitable, Mack exemplifies “speaking the truth in love.”

Book Review: Sunday Matters, by Paul David Tripp

Review by Mark Redfern | 05.06.2024

The Bible assumes that Christians will need encouragement to go to church.

Book Review: The Pastor, by Faculty and Friends of Old Princeton

Review by Bert Daniel | 04.25.2024

‘The Pastor: His Call, Character, and Work’ by the faculty and friends of “Old” Princeton is full of biblical reflection and practical wisdom that would benefit any pastor and especially the young, aspiring minister.

Book Review: The Church, by Edmund P. Clowney

Review by Ben Robin | 04.11.2024

‘The Church’ represents the consummate career of a preeminent pastor-theologian.

Book Review: The Book of Church Order, by the PCA

Review by Andrew Morgan | 02.23.2024

The 2022 edition of The Book of Church Order of the Presbyterian Church in America (BCO) reflects the denomination’s rich history of biblically informed and theologically reformed church governance.

Book Review: The Pastor and the Modern World, by William Edgar, R. Kent Hughes & Alfred Poirier

Review by Scott Daniel | 02.20.2024

We’ve been served well by this set of three essays, originally lectures, delivered by William Edgar, R. Kent Hughes, and Alfred Poirier.

Reviewing Four Books on Evangelism and Apologetics

Review by J. Mack Stiles | 02.14.2024

Mack Stiles reviews the four books that were up for TGC’s best Evangelism & Apologetics title of 2022.

Book Review: Life Together, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Review by Brad Littlejohn | 01.16.2024

Whatever may be happening in the world around us, Bonhoeffer reminds that the day-to-day burdens and conflicts of Christian community should remain our top priority.

Book Review: The Great Dechurching, by Jim Davis & Michael Graham

Review by Michael Lawrence | 01.02.2024

The solution to the great dechurching of America isn’t better techniques or a different gospel. It’s healthy churches.

Book Review: Baptists in the Christian Tradition

Review by Jeremy Kimble | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 11.27.2023

In their recent edited volume “Baptists and the Christian Tradition”, Matthew Emerson, Christopher Morgan, and Luke Stamps, along with various contributors, argue for the good of theological retrieval and engaging the Great Tradition for the sake of strengthening Baptist beliefs.

Book Review: In All the Scriptures, by Nicholas G. Piotrowski

Review by Jonathan Parnell | 11.15.2023

According to Nicholas G. Piotrowski in his book ‘In All the Scriptures’, Jesus and the apostles read the Old Testament attending to the literary, historical, and theological (christological) contexts, and we should read the whole Bible the same way.