Book Review: Worship by the Book, by D. A. Carson

Review by Greg Gilbert | 04.02.2002

Worship by the Book will be a dog-eared and threadbare favorite of any pastor serious about planning his church’s corporate gatherings with deep theological and biblical roots.

Book Review: Revolution, by George Barna

Review by Greg Gilbert | 03.05.2002

If Barna had ever been a part of a healthy, vibrant local church, perhaps he wouldn’t find it so easy to declare the local church expendable.

Book Review: The Nature of the Atonement: Four Views, ed. by James Beilby and Paul Eddy

Review by Greg Gilbert | 9Marks Journal: The Gospel | 03.05.2002

This book discusses the question: “What image or understanding of the atonement does Scripture present as primary?”

Book Review: Guidance and the Voice of God, by Phillip Jensen and Tony Payne

Review by Greg Gilbert | 02.03.2002

We know from the Bible what our destination is—union with Christ, and we know that God is working and moving to take us there.

Book Review: The Younger Evangelicals, by Robert Webber

Review by Greg Gilbert | 12.02.2001

If younger evangelicals intend to build biblical—and not just postmodern—churches, they must center them on the Word of God.

Book Review: Rethinking the Successful Church, by Samuel Rima

Review by Greg Gilbert | 11.11.2001

There are questions about the very methods of the church growth movement that Rima does not address.

Book Review: Doing Church as a Team, by Wayne Cordeiro

Review by Greg Gilbert | 10.05.2001

Cordeiro’s emphasis on every-member ministry has led him to neglect and somewhat relegate the importance of the preaching of the Word.

Book Review: Led By the Spirit, by Jim Elliff

Review by Greg Gilbert | 10.05.2001

Jim Elliff’s book is an extremely well-written and well-argued study of how the Holy Spirit guides the believer.

Book Review: Paul’s Idea of Community, by Robert Banks

Review by Greg Gilbert | 10.02.2001

In the final analysis, Banks’s book is fatally flawed by its refusal to learn and teach from the entire Bible.

Book Review: The Connecting Church, by Randy Frazee

Review by Greg Gilbert | 08.05.2001

I am happy to see that Frazee has identified a problem that exists in a large part of the Christian church today. My only contention is with the solution that Frazee proposes.

Book Review: The Christian’s Guide to Guidance, by Jay Adams

Review by Greg Gilbert | 06.05.2001

Adams’s goal is to take the question of guidance, or of God’s will, and boil it down to a very simple proposition: God’s will is revealed to us solely through the Bible.

Book Review: Experiencing God, by Henry Blackaby

Review by Greg Gilbert | 05.22.2001

Much of Blackaby’s book, then, I think could be helpful to growing Christians.

Book Review: Boiling Point, by George Barna

Review by Greg Gilbert | 05.05.2001

Barna’s book certainly has some interesting statistics, and he makes some fascinating predictions—but that’s about it.

Review of Rob Bell’s NOOMA — Part 1

Review by Greg Gilbert | 9Marks Journal: Cooperation | 04.08.2001

Here’s the scoop on the Rob Bell video series storming through youth rooms and sermon series across the country.

Book Review: ChurchNEXT, by Eddie Gibbs

Review by Greg Gilbert | 04.05.2001

Cultural studies cannot determine or shape the primary methods and structures of the church. Those are found in the pages of the Bible.