5 Reasons You Should Preach through Leviticus
By Juan Sanchez | 06.14.2018How can a holy God relate to sinful people? Leviticus provides us an answer to that question.
4 Reasons You Should Preach through Exodus
By Bobby Jamieson | 06.07.2018Exodus proclaims God’s great act of delivering his people from bondage, gifting them his law, and inviting them into intimate fellowship with himself.
4 Reasons You Should Preach Through Genesis
By Erik Raymond | 05.31.2018Genesis tells the story of a God who creates everything out of nothing in order to bless his people and glorify himself.
Episode 52: On the Sufficiency of Scripture
By J. Leeman, M. Dever | 05.15.2018What do we mean when we say that Scripture is “sufficient”? Does the sufficiency of Scripture have anything to do with pastoral ministry? Does it shackle pastors or does it provide them reassurance?
Expositional Sermons Are a Picture of Salvation
By Mark Dever | 04.25.2018A day is coming when faith will give way to sight, and sermons will be no more. But now, we’re in a different time. Now, we still need to hear God’s Word spoken to us.
The Dangerous Allure of Being a Cultural Warrior
By Brian Davis | 9Marks Journal: Church Life: Our True Political Witness | 04.17.2018Our cultural engagement should always advertise our true hope. Just as we are not of this world, our hope is not of this world—nor is it dependent on this world’s acceptance.
Churches Should Say Neither Too Little Nor Too Much
By Matthew Arbo | 9Marks Journal: Church Life: Our True Political Witness | 04.17.2018The prophetic nature of the church is to live and speak as a people unembarrassed by the power of the gospel.
Lessons from the Worst Sermon I Ever Heard
By Mike McKinley | 04.16.2018We regularly need to bring biblical theology to bear on our ministry in order to understand and accurately communicate the message of whatever text we’re teaching.
Episode 47: On T4G and Celebrity Pastors
By J. Leeman, M. Dever | 04.10.2018Tomorrow marks the beginning of the sixth Together for the Gospel conference. Does this conference exacerbate the problem of celebrity pastors, especially as articulated recently on TGC by Andy Crouch?
What is Expositional Preaching?
By Mark Dever | 02.27.2018A talk delivered at the 9Marks at Midwestern conference.
Why Should Christians Today Read Jonathan Edwards?
By Jeremy Kimble | 02.01.2018Pastors in particular will benefit from Edwards, as they gain a clearer view of God, settle into a particular and important historical milieu, and consider his wisdom on a vast number of subjects.
Why Preach Expositionally?
By Mark Dever | 01.24.2018Pastors who don’t preach expositionally will never preach more than they already know.
Do You Suffer from ‘Bible Anorexia’?
By Keri Folmar | 01.22.2018Cutting-edge music, artistic videos, and clever illustrations can build a crowd, but God’s Word is what the Holy Spirit uses to build a church.
What Makes a Good Sermon? Five Questions to Ask
By Josh Vincent | 12.11.2017Are you sure you know a good sermon from a bad one?
Book Review: Preaching in the New Testament, by Jonathan I. Griffiths
Review by Coye Still | 11.30.2017While there’s no shortage of books on preaching, few address its exegetical and theological foundations like this one.