Book Review: Building a Healthy Multi-Ethnic Church, by Mark DeYmaz

Review by Ben Wright | 9Marks Journal: Family & Parenting | 03.02.2010

This book is a worthwhile read. But absorb its biblical-theological argumentation with a discerning eye.

Book Review: The Peacemaking Pastor, by Alfred Poirier

Review by Bob Johnson | 9Marks Journal: Family & Parenting | 03.02.2010

More than once while reading, I had to put the book down, confess my sin, and pick up the phone to get involved again in a situation I was conveniently ignoring.

Book Review: The Rabbit and the Elephant: Why Small Is the New Big for Today’s Church, by Tony Dale and George Barna

Review by Aaron Menikoff | 9Marks Journal: A New Evangelical Liberalism | 03.01.2010

Though The Rabbit and the Elephant is about the church, there is little explanation of what the church is beyond a series of interconnected relationships.

Book Review: Why Join a Small Church?, by John Benton

Review by Aaron Menikoff | 9Marks Journal: A New Evangelical Liberalism | 03.01.2010

Maybe small churches do have a lot to offer. This is the heart of Benton’s message, and I think it is worth listening to.

Book Review: Walking Together: A Congregational Reflection on Biblical Church Discipline, by Wyman Richardson

Review by Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Church Discipline (Part 2) | 03.01.2010

Can a pastor use this book for training his fellow church leaders, assuming that not all church leaders are not pastorally and theologically sensible? It gets an easy “yes.”

Book Review: Church Planting Movements, by David Garrison

Review by Ed Roberts | 07.25.2009

Should you read this book? Probably not.

Book Review: Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith, by Rob Bell

Review by Greg Gilbert | 9Marks Journal: The Emerging Church | 03.03.2003

Bell’s “questions” are not as innocuous as they first sound. They are the means by which he permits one to disconnect and throw away the springs one doesn’t like.

Book Review: Deep Church: A Third Way Beyond Emerging and Traditional, by Jim Belcher

Review by Greg Gilbert | 9Marks Journal: Church Discipline (Part 2) | 03.02.2003

The reunion Belcher is hoping for here is just not going to happen.

Book Review: Brothers, We Are NOT Professionals, by John Piper

Review by Greg Gilbert | 11.05.2002

This book will be a great encouragement, and a convicting exhortation, to every pastor in America.

Book Review: Evangelism: Doing Justice and Preaching Grace, by Harvie Conn

Review by Greg Gilbert | 9Marks Journal: Young Pastors | 09.02.2002

For a mature Christian who is thinking through these issues, Conn’s discussion will spark thoughts and will at least begin to chart a course in the right direction.

Book Review: Restoring Integrity in Baptist Churches, ed. by Thomas White, Jason G. Deusing, and Malcomb B. Yarnell, III

Review by Greg Gilbert | 9Marks Journal: Church Discipline (Part 1) | 09.02.2002

Allen’s chapter aside, this book is a generally well-articulated statement of some important Baptist distinctives.

Book Review: When People Are Big and God is Small, by Ed Welch

Review by Greg Gilbert | 08.02.2002

This book would be useful to any pastor who is willing to have numerous and extended conversations with his people.

Book Review: Hearing God, by Dallas Willard

Review by Greg Gilbert | 07.02.2002

I think there are probably better, more biblically careful books that hold at least some portion of what Willard is arguing.

Book Review: What’s So Amazing About Grace?, by Philip Yancey

Review by Greg Gilbert | 06.02.2002

In the end, Yancey’s conception of grace is inadequate at best.

Book Review: Worship by the Book, by D. A. Carson

Review by Greg Gilbert | 04.02.2002

Worship by the Book will be a dog-eared and threadbare favorite of any pastor serious about planning his church’s corporate gatherings with deep theological and biblical roots.