Book Review: Building a Healthy Multi-Ethnic Church, by Mark DeYmaz
Review by Ben Wright | 9Marks Journal: Family & Parenting | 03.02.2010This book is a worthwhile read. But absorb its biblical-theological argumentation with a discerning eye.
Book Review: The Peacemaking Pastor, by Alfred Poirier
Review by Bob Johnson | 9Marks Journal: Family & Parenting | 03.02.2010More than once while reading, I had to put the book down, confess my sin, and pick up the phone to get involved again in a situation I was conveniently ignoring.
Book Review: The Rabbit and the Elephant: Why Small Is the New Big for Today’s Church, by Tony Dale and George Barna
Review by Aaron Menikoff | 9Marks Journal: A New Evangelical Liberalism | 03.01.2010Though The Rabbit and the Elephant is about the church, there is little explanation of what the church is beyond a series of interconnected relationships.
Book Review: Why Join a Small Church?, by John Benton
Review by Aaron Menikoff | 9Marks Journal: A New Evangelical Liberalism | 03.01.2010Maybe small churches do have a lot to offer. This is the heart of Benton’s message, and I think it is worth listening to.
Book Review: Walking Together: A Congregational Reflection on Biblical Church Discipline, by Wyman Richardson
Review by Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Church Discipline (Part 2) | 03.01.2010Can a pastor use this book for training his fellow church leaders, assuming that not all church leaders are not pastorally and theologically sensible? It gets an easy “yes.”
Book Review: Church Planting Movements, by David Garrison
Review by Ed Roberts | 07.25.2009Should you read this book? Probably not.
Book Review: Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith, by Rob Bell
Review by Greg Gilbert | 9Marks Journal: The Emerging Church | 03.03.2003Bell’s “questions” are not as innocuous as they first sound. They are the means by which he permits one to disconnect and throw away the springs one doesn’t like.
Book Review: Deep Church: A Third Way Beyond Emerging and Traditional, by Jim Belcher
Review by Greg Gilbert | 9Marks Journal: Church Discipline (Part 2) | 03.02.2003The reunion Belcher is hoping for here is just not going to happen.
Book Review: Brothers, We Are NOT Professionals, by John Piper
Review by Greg Gilbert | 11.05.2002This book will be a great encouragement, and a convicting exhortation, to every pastor in America.
Book Review: Evangelism: Doing Justice and Preaching Grace, by Harvie Conn
Review by Greg Gilbert | 9Marks Journal: Young Pastors | 09.02.2002For a mature Christian who is thinking through these issues, Conn’s discussion will spark thoughts and will at least begin to chart a course in the right direction.
Book Review: Restoring Integrity in Baptist Churches, ed. by Thomas White, Jason G. Deusing, and Malcomb B. Yarnell, III
Review by Greg Gilbert | 9Marks Journal: Church Discipline (Part 1) | 09.02.2002Allen’s chapter aside, this book is a generally well-articulated statement of some important Baptist distinctives.
Book Review: When People Are Big and God is Small, by Ed Welch
Review by Greg Gilbert | 08.02.2002This book would be useful to any pastor who is willing to have numerous and extended conversations with his people.
Book Review: Hearing God, by Dallas Willard
Review by Greg Gilbert | 07.02.2002I think there are probably better, more biblically careful books that hold at least some portion of what Willard is arguing.
Book Review: What’s So Amazing About Grace?, by Philip Yancey
Review by Greg Gilbert | 06.02.2002In the end, Yancey’s conception of grace is inadequate at best.
Book Review: Worship by the Book, by D. A. Carson
Review by Greg Gilbert | 04.02.2002Worship by the Book will be a dog-eared and threadbare favorite of any pastor serious about planning his church’s corporate gatherings with deep theological and biblical roots.