9Marks Journal: Lay Elders (Part 2) (38期:帶職長老(下))

A User’s Guide Part 2

An elder’s first priority is the sheep, but shepherds who don’t know how to love one another compromise their ability to serve the sheep. To get us started, Bob Johnson explains how he, as the senior pastor, tries to build unity and love among the elders. Michael Lawrence, Greg Gilbert, and Walter Price all address the tricky issue of the lay elder/staff elder dynamic. Then Eric Bancroft, Matt Schmucker, Nick Roark, and I turn to the elder meeting itself. How can we build unity and peace amidst the challenging dynamics of group decision-making? Finally, Jimmy Scroggins and Steve Wright take us in a slightly different direction by considering the possibility of bi-vocational elders planting churches.






讓我介紹一下本期內容。Bob Johnson向我們闡釋了他作爲主任牧師如何嘗試在長老中建立合一與愛心。Michael Lawrence、紀格睿和Walter Price則討論了帶職長老與全職長老之間互動的棘手問題。

最後,Eric Bancroft、Matt Schmucker和我繼續討論長老會議的方面。我們如何在決策過程中有挑戰性的互動面前建立合一與和平?以下是本期內容。