9Marks Journal: Pastoring Singles (48-49期:牧養單身肢體)

Why devote an issue of the 9Marks Journal to pastoring singles? One, it’s a growing demographic in our culture and therefore in our churches. Two, it’s a demographic that is particularly impacted by our culture’s removal of all barriers on sex; by the culture’s eroticization of all forms of intimacy, especially among same-sex friendships; by its delay of marriage; by its lies about the advantages of the self-indulgent and autonomous single life as well as the growing enslavement of consumerism; and, in turn, by the extra emphasis churches have given to marriage in order to counter the lies of the sexual revolution. In other words, a number of cultural and pastoral roads all collide in the intersection which is the single life. Why devote an issue of the 9Marks Journal to pastoring singles? To help pastors and members both grow in conscientiousness and wisdom and love for singles. That way, singles and marrieds both can grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.




第三,這是一個充滿末世應許的聖經主題。Matt Smethurst的文章,借鑑了Andreas Köstenberger的很多想法,他觀察到,在起初創造時,單身狀態是不存在的。在舊約時代,單身是不尋常的,而且不受歡迎。而在新約裡,單身被視爲具有天國事奉的優勢。而在新天新地時,單身是普世性的,那時不再有婚姻。


