9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography (60-61期:牧者與色情試探)

Why would 9Marks devote an issue of the 9Marks Journal tothe topic of pornography and the pastor? Because it’s an increasingly common sin, and its commonality tempts us to downplay its destructive power in our marriages and ministries. We want you to take it seriously if you’re not, and to have the tools to help others fight if you are. Think of how much ink Paul spilled on sexual sin in his letter to the Corinthian church. He took it seriously. So should we.



請先從Andy Naselli的文章開始讀,他就此給出嚴重的警告,尤其是如果你在自己的生活中想要對這罪輕描淡寫的話。也請閱讀Aaron Menikoff智慧的建議。接著可以瞭解Jason Seville針對這罪潛在造成的群體性後果的論述

Garrett Kell回答了一個棘手的問題,就是色情犯罪是否使一個牧者失去資格,同時他的妻子Carrie也給牧者妻子相應的建議。

在教會培養共同對付色情犯罪的文化方面,Deepak Reju,、Jaime Owens、PJ Tibayan和James Choi提供了重要的建議。

別錯過Brad Wheeler和John Henderson給出的教牧工具。
