Genesis 48–50: On Genesis Fading to Black, Like the Extended Edition of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Bible Talk, Ep. 19)

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In chapters 48–50, Genesis finally fades to black . . . very, very slowly.

Alex Duke chats with Jim Hamilton and Sam Emadi about Moses’ conclusion—which includes Jacob’s death, Joseph’s death, and a fascinating snapshot of “what could have been” for Egypt.

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1:05 / After approximately 852 minutes of going through Genesis, Alex, Jim, and Sam plan to finish the first book of the Bible!

1:54 / As Genesis fades to black, so does Joseph's life. Jim points out that Moses frames Genesis 48 and 49 with death notices for Joseph as a literary structuring device.

3:51 / Jim and Sam explain the blessings Jacob gives Joseph’s sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. Why did it displease Joseph when Jacob gave his blessing to Manasseh instead of Ephraim?

10:02 / Sam explains the odd ending to Genesis 48. Jim connects it with Joshua 24:32 and says the mountain slope (Shechem) became an inheritance for Joseph’s descendants.

11:29 / In Genesis 49, Jacob now blesses his sons, and in doing so he enigmatically predicts their futures. Is Jacob a prophet? Why do the tribes of Joseph and Judah get special treatment?

20:04 / Wait a second. . . . Weren’t Joseph’s brothers supposed to bow down to him? Why now does Jacob promise to Judah that his father’s sons will bow down to him?

26:46 / Jim compares the promised messianic king to . . . former NBA player Amar'e Stoudemire? It’s an odd choice, but it works! Jim then explains how the promises about Joesph compare to the messianic promises about Judah.

31:53 / After many near-deaths, Jacob finally dies. Jim summarizes this patriarch’s life.

34:06 / Alex points out that Genesis starts with life and ends with death—in particular, a funeral at the cave of Machpelah (remember Genesis 23:1–20!?). Sam and Jim tell us that Israel’s trip to the cave offers a little foreshadowing of the Exodus.

38:20 / The guys discuss Genesis 50:18–20, one of the Bible’s clearest passages about God’s sovereignty, even amidst evil.

44:15 / Genesis ends with Joseph’s “bones in a box in the belly of the beast.” Sam explains how Joseph’s bones ought to frame the entire story of the Exodus.

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