On Opening Up Your Mind to Something You’ve Never Considered—Or, the Weirdest Episode of Bible Talk Yet (Bible Talk, Ep. 82)

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In this episode of Bible Talk, Alex Duke chats with Jim Hamilton and Sam Emadi about canonical order.



1:49 / How should the books of the Old Testament be ordered?

3:04 / Why is this conversation even important?

5:28 / Where does Jesus talk about the order of the Old Testament?

12:15 / Where did we get the order of the Old Testament in our English Bibles?

15:18 / Where do we get the names of the three sections of the Old Testament—law, prophets, writings?

22:14 / How does ancient technology suggest that there’s long been a commonly held arrangement to the Old Testament?

24:35 / How is the message of the Old Testament clearer when the books are accurately arranged?

32:41 / Were Kings and Chronicles not written at the same time?

36:06 / If the Old Testament is a chiasm, does it matter what’s at the center?

37:41 / Are we overcomplicating this? The beginning of Ruth sounds like it’s supposed to come after Judges.

38:15 / How does Jim think the Old Testament should be ordered?

40:27 / What reason do we have to believe in a particular Old Testament order?

42:00 / What about the order in the Septuagint?


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[1] James M. Hamilton Jr., God's Glory in Salvation Through Judgement (Crossway), following the order set forth by Roland Kenneth Harrison, Introduction to the Old Testament (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1969; reprint, Prince Press, 1999), x–xi.

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