Bible Talk

Bible Talk

A podcast featuring conversations about the Bible and Biblical Theology.

Bible Talk

Exodus 24–25: On the Floor of Heaven and the Feet of God (Bible Talk, Ep. 31)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 06.23.2021

In Exodus 24–25, the summit of Sinai becomes the floor of heaven. Through Israel, God is once again establishing a connection between heaven and earth.

Exodus 22-23: On Israel’s Bloated Sheep Market—and Other Jewels of Jewish Jurisprudence (Bible Talk, Ep. 30)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 06.09.2021

In this episode of Bible Talk, Alex Duke, Jim Hamilton, and Sam Emadi discuss all those laws in Exodus 22–23. Why are they there? Why should Christians not just let their eyes glaze over them?

Exodus 21: On Slavery, Proportional Justice, Goring Oxen, and Other Easy Topics (Bible Talk, Ep. 29)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 05.26.2021

When Moses refers to slavery in the Torah, how should we understand it? What about “justice”? In this episode of Bible Talk, Alex Duke chats with Jim Hamilton and Sam Emadi about a difficult chapter of Scripture: Exodus 21.

Exodus 19–20: On Thoughts, Words, Deeds, Deeds, Words, Thoughts (Bible Talk, Ep. 28)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 05.19.2021

At this point in Exodus, we have the people of God at the mountain of God to receive the Law of God in order to engage in the worship of God.

Exodus 16–18: On the Benefits of Small Government, Good In-Laws, and a Plurality of Elders (Bible Talk, Ep. 27)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 04.29.2021

It doesn’t take long for the Israelites to go from singing by the sea to grumbling against God, begging him to take them back to Egypt.

Exodus 14–15: From Beheading the Snake to Singing by the Sea (Bible Talk, Ep. 26)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 04.23.2021

Alex Duke chats with Jim Hamilton and Sam Emadi about Exodus 14–15.

Exodus 11–13: On the Presbyterian Exodus and the “Very Great” Podcast Named Bible Talk (Bible Talk, Ep. 25)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 04.14.2021

Bible Talk’s conversations through Exodus finally arrive at the exodus.

Exodus 8–10: On Finding Out There’s Something Rotten in the State of Egypt (Bible Talk, Ep. 24)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 04.07.2021

By the end of Exodus 10, the whole nation of Egypt is covered in total darkness—so much so that “they did not see one another, nor did anyone rise from his place for three days.” It’s as if the people of Egypt were stuck in a grave.

Exodus 5–7: On Slowed-Down Wifi and Waiting in a Two-Hour Line Before Space Mountain (Bible Talk, Ep. 23)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 03.17.2021

By the end of Exodus 7, the Lord has brought the first plague against Egypt. But before we get there, Moses makes us wait.

Exodus 3–4: On Moses Milling about in Midian Until His Momentous Mountain Moment (Bible Talk, Ep. 22)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 03.10.2021

At the beginning of Exodus 3, Moses is milling about in Midian with some sheep. The God shows up in a burning bush and everything changes.

Exodus 1–2: On Moses and the Ark—And Tracking Aslan on the Move (Bible Talk, Ep. 21)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 03.03.2021

Genesis ends with Joseph’s bones in a box in the belly of the beast. Exodus begins with Israel being fruitful and multiplying under the harsh rule of a Pharaoh who knows neither Joseph nor his God.

Genesis 1–50: The Academy Awards Episode (Bible Talk, Ep. 20)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 02.24.2021

Alex Duke hosts the “Academy Awards of Genesis,” in which he gives some superlatives and asks Jim and Sam to look back and reflect on what they’ve learned as they’ve walked slowly through Moses’ masterpiece.

Genesis 48–50: On Genesis Fading to Black, Like the Extended Edition of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Bible Talk, Ep. 19)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 02.17.2021

In chapters 48–50, Genesis finally fades to black . . . very, very slowly.

Genesis 46–47: On “Rosebud,” Clunky Portmanteaus, and—At Last!—the Reunion of Father and Son (Bible Talk, Ep. 18)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 02.10.2021

At long last, Jacob reunites with Joseph, his beloved son. And then Jacob makes one final request before he dies . . .

Genesis 44–45: On the Shift from Fratricide to Forgiveness, Famine to Feast (Bible Talk, Ep. 17)

By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 02.03.2021

Finally! Joseph tells his brothers who he is.