Judges 4-5: On Barak the Bashful, Deborah the Complementarian, and Jael the Serpent-Crusher (Bible Talk, Ep. 73)

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Alex Duke chats with Jim Hamilton and Sam Emadi about Judges 4–5.


1:26 / What cycle is repeated in the book of Judges?

2:21 / What’s the structure of Judges 4?

3:55 / What events lead to Deborah’s rise?

8:10 / Is Deborah’s rule an argument for egalitarianism?

10:12 / What should we think about Deborah’s exercise of authority and her interaction with Barak? (4:5-10)

17:14 / How does the Lord deliver Israel? (4:11-24)

25:32 / How might you preach Christ from Judges 4?

29:34 / Why is Barak commended in Hebrews 11:32 for his faith?

33:44 / What’s noteworthy about the poem in Judges 5?

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Graphic: Jael and Sisera, Artemisia Gentileschi (1620)

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